Disk No: 848 Disk Title: Judy the Memory Resident Calendar PC-SIG Version: S2 Program Title: Judy, the Memory Resident Calendar Author Version: 2.0 Author Registration: $29.95 Special Requirements: None. We've all wanted a personal secretary to keep track of our appointment schedule for us. Let PC-SIG introduce you to our answer to your wish: JUDY CLONE, a memory-resident desktop organizer that keeps your schedules and appointments for years to come. JUDY maintains the full-screen interactive calendar. She takes appointments, has editing functions, makes hard-copy, and goes through your notes and records, doing the daily filing tasks. She fills your computer's memory, does her job, leaves and then returns her space to the memory pool. She even wishes you ``Happy Birthday'' when that day rolls around. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.